From the day aspirants walk onto the B School campus they are in a state of transition. VJIM, Hyderabad believes in making the process holistic yet transparent. A well structured system of the B School looks over the progress of the students till the day they graduate. Ms. V. Jayashree, Program Director of the institute is at the helm of the matters. Talking of her role she says, “Every academic and non academic activity of a student is managed by the program office. It is designed to bring about overall growth in the students.”
Experienced faculty members are the backbone of the well oiled system. Their mentoring offers students the support and instills confidence in their abilities. VJIM, Hyderabad is known for its strong faculty pool, which it keeps strengthening on a regular basis. Dr. Ch. S. Durga Prasad, Director of the institute says, “The class of 2018 – 20 will definitely see quality improvement in teaching-learning process. Not only will we recruit senior professors but focus on outcome based education system, self study groups to help students.”
According to Ms. Jayashree the USP of the faculty strength at the B School lies in the fact that all courses are delivered by experts, who can impart practical knowledge to students. For sector specific courses, the B School invites guest speakers who can offer students insight into the field, talk to them about career opportunities in the area and more. “For our core course on Project Management we had facilitators from the PMI, Hyderabad chapter. With experts on board we can deliver the best learning experience,” she says.
On the non academic front, students are encouraged to not only participate in sporting, cultural events and conferences but be active in their organization as well. Chrysalis, the two day management fest epitomizes that spirit and brings out the best in students. Ms. Jayashree says, “It is an event that is solely managed and organized by students. They really look forward to it because it’s another step in their transition where they come on to the big stage.” And from then on, sky is the limit for their ambitions and dreams.