About VJIM

Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management, Hyderabad is an autonomous B-School founded in 1993 to develop professional managers. It is approved by AICTE, accredited by National Board of Accreditation (NBA)  and South Asian Quality Assurance System (SAQS). It offers 2-Year Full-Time PGDM programs and is certified by AIU (Association of Indian Universities) as an MBA equivalent. The PGDM programs at VJIM aims to create holistic managers, synthesizing conventional and modern management thinking with a global outlook. VJIM equips students with core business skills together with the ability to manage their work creatively and strategically within the context of ethical standards. Appreciating the pace and direction of changes in international business education, the course structure at VJIM is continuously updated in line with the changing needs of the modern business world. 

Vision & Mission

About VJIM


To be a leading B-School in the region through the process of transformation of students into management professionals
About VJIM


To prepare students for careers in Entrepreneurship and Business Management by providing an innovative learning environment.
About VJIM

Quality statement

VJIM is committed to providing learning opportunities that meet the expectations of the stake holders, comply with regulatory requirements and meet national standards of excellence through continuous process improvement.
About VJIM

Core Values

Commitment to task, Ethical Behaviour, Transparancy, Concern for Community and Environment

History of VJIM

Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management is promoted by Vignana Jyothi Educational Society which is a non–profit organization founded by a group of Industrialists, Academicians, Businessmen, NRI’s and Professionals of Andhra Pradesh, who are known for achieving commendable results in their respective fields. Vignana Jyothi was registered during the year 1991 under the Andhra Pradesh (Telangana Areas) Public Societies Registration Act. The aims and objectives are to promote Social, Cultural, Educational, Scientific and Research activities among men and women, particularly the youth.

It also aimed to establish, manage, aid and maintain Educational and Other Institutions, impart Education and Training at all stages for the promotion of Engineering, Medicine, Pharmacy, Agricultural, Commerce, Literature, Arts and Science, Management and other subjects and allied activities for diffusion of useful knowledge and training specially to instill self-confidence, creative thinking and entrepreneurship in students and trainees and to issue Degrees / Diplomas / Certificates to the successful candidates.

As the challenges in education become more and more complex, the ability to identify, assess and understand the impact of educational programs and practices must keep pace. VJIM has as its core purpose, the development, design, implementation, support and dissemination of rigorous, relevant and useful educational evaluations which helps it to meet these challenges.

Business Education has reached an inflection point. The world is experiencing an information explosion; we are in an age of fierce competition. The demands of business have undergone a change and mediocrity is no longer being tolerated. Companies recruiting management graduates want people who can deliver results in a globalized world. Professionals with an analytical bent of mind are the need of the hour. To rub shoulders with the updated technological revolution, management graduates have to come off the pre-digital age habits and imbibe contemporary professional requirements.

With this in mind, VJIM was started with the objective of producing Managers and Entrepreneurs who will be future-ready and Socially Responsible. VJIM achieves this objective by involving Students and Faculty in innovative research projects that are linked with industry, academic and research institutions in India and Abroad.