Mr. Sanjay Bajaj, Mr. Ziauddin and Mrs. Suvarna delivered a riveting session on “Role of Purchasing in Competitive Advantage” on 27th August, 2016 on Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management (VJIM), Hyderabad’s campus. With Operation transforming the resources and data into desired goods, the need to learn more about Operations is becoming exponentially crucial with each day. The session with these important industry professionals touched upon all the essential dimensions of Operations and made VJIM PGDM students gain an extra edge in the field.
The talk started off with defining and describing the forces that go behind Purchase. There are three distinct aspects to be taken care of while Purchase-
a) purchase at the right time,
b) purchase the right quality,
c) purchase at the right price
Mr. Ziauddin presented a wonderful presentation on Supply Chain Management. Supply Chain Management in short, is a process from supplier to manufacture to wholesaler to retailer then finally to the consumer. It involves coordinating and integrating these flows both within and among the companies. Nothing substantial can ever be achieved without proper goal and objectives and the last speaker of the session Mrs. Suvarna, spoke about just that. Her talk revolved around- “Objectives of Supply Chain Management” and the three steps involved in purchasing i.e. strategic, statistical, and operational.