Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management (VJIM), Hyderabad will be hosting a unique workshop come Sept 20, 2014. It has teamed up with DELNET, a major digital library resource in South Asia for the one day workshop to train people and institutes to make the most of the advantages their libraries have in store for them. This is another interesting initiative from the institute to offer cutting edge advantage to its students.
DELNET was set up in 1988 with the goal of encouraging resource sharing amongst libraries. It strived to achieve its goal through development of network of libraries, collecting, storing and disseminating information besides offering computerized services to users. The organization brings together the resources of more than 4,900 libraries as its members in 33 states and Union Territories in India, and 8 other countries.
VJIM understands the importance of a good library as a strong resource base for students and its team members. After all, ever since its inception, the institute has not only aimed for academic excellence but promoted a research bent of mind amongst faculties and students alike. To make sure they had the best access to resources, it joined DELNET in 2002 and has been using the facilities a great extent since then.
The one day workshop will highlight DELNET resources and services for the benefit of the participants. But that’s not all; they will also be offered training in Koha, which is an open source integrated library management software. There will be several other aspects of library management that will be covered in the workshop.
The workshop is open to members of DELNET, who will be keen to utilize this opportunity to their advantage. But the good news is that non-members too can participate in the workshop and understand more about the services that are being offered by the organization.
Faculty members who need to refer to books and resource material for their teaching can benefit from this workshop. It also gives the cutting edge advantage to all researchers and scholars who can find material they look for under one roof. And of course, it has its merits for all students, in this world of e-books, to find a library resource that is comprehensive and expansive to say the least.
There is a nominal fee that will be charged for the workshop, which has a lot in store for participants. Members will have to pay a fee of Rs. 250 to be a part of the workshop while non-members will be charged Rs. 350. The workshop is highly anticipated and is already creating a buzz.
To read more about VJIM, Hyderabad, visit:
To read more about DELNET, visit: