“Each one, teach one” is a concept that originated in the US when African and Afro American were denied education. It has caught the imagination of the developing nations such as India where people have realised that there is a huge disparity among the “have’s” and “have not’s” and everyone should play a role in increasing education standards.
The excellence of an institute can be comprehended from the initiatives taken by that institute, which presents the ways in which they would like to mould their students. One such noble initiative taken by Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management is the “EACH ONE TEACH ONE” program. We believe in providing meaningful education. The main objective of this program revolves around increasing computer literacy by providing good Computer training and education to the government school students who do not have access to Computer learning and make them competent enough to face the contemporary world which is highly dependent on Technology.
The program structure is designed with care and attention to provide Computer education to the students of nearby Zillah Parishad School, located in Gourampet, once in every month, throughout the academic year, with a planned course structure, keeping in mind the basic computer knowledge which every student must possess.
The most fascinating aspect of this program is that these kids are taught by the students of VJIM where they are introduced to the joy of teaching-learning, in the institute’s state-of-the-art “Computer Centre”.
“What a blind person needs is not a teacher but another self”. At the end of the day, being the self of these kids brings the utmost joy and satisfaction within the students of VJIM as well. This initiative clearly brings out the yearning which the institute has towards shaping the character of its own students. This mutual process of teaching-learning comes directly in use not only for self-development, but also towards lighting up the lives of many underprivileged children.