Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management, Hyderabad’s Operations and Supply Chain unit hosted a Business Conclave on 25th November exploring how Technology can be interfused with Digitalization to make the most of Supply Chain department of any organization. With immense focus on consumer and the customer at business’ end today, it becomes absolutely crucial to reflect on efficiency and that is where technology- digitalization steps in- if one desires to stay on top of the game. VJIM students had a chance to hear from the industry- their takes, their suggestions, practices and innovations!
The Conclave was delivered by the Supply Chain veteran professional Mr. Snadeep Chatterjee who has worked with brands like Infosys, Oracle, KPMG and Deloitte. Mr. Sandeep is currently the Chairman of International supply chain education alliance. Beside Mr. Mukherjee was Mr. Ravindra Tulsiyan, Chairman and Chief Mentor at KnoWerX Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. and Mr. Kirit Goyal, the Founder & Director of Gazelle Information Technologies. With riveting, power packed session that delved into things-of-things in the world of Supply Chain and Logistics, VJIM-ites were seen brainstorming around ideas such as Internet and Artificial Intelligence, ‘proactiveness’ in seeing results in Supply Chain, digitalization to boost efficiency, etc.
Sandeep Chatterjee started on the note of making the audience understand how supply chain as a process starts in any organization. “Surprisingly, it begins with the customer because they drive the demand,” had students glued to his speech. His talk also had a lot of examples of different supply chains and types of supply chains used in the industry.
Following Mr. Chatterjee’s talk, Ravindra Tulsiyan, Chairman and Chief Mentor at KnoWerX Education (India) Pvt. Ltd. shed light on how IT has changed face of the Manufacturing process in the country and how the data collected from the suppliers to the customers can be used to make the SC process more proactive. He also added “IoT and AI will change face of supply chain forever.”
Mr. Kirit Goyal, Founder and Director, Gazelle Information Technologies, was the final speaker of the day. He shared his life experience working in over years in the Operations division. He quoted some of the big-small instances from his life and also shared some interesting yet mind boggling cases of IoT that had helped companies to become more efficient.