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Gavesana Journal of Management

The Gavesana Journal of Management is a bi-annually publication that has been peer-reviewed and made freely available online since July 2009. It is published by the Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management Hyderabad (VJIM).  It is a prestigious management journal that shares advancements in the field of management with both academics and professionals. Gavesana’s primary focus is on conducting academic research in various essential management disciplines. The publication includes articles in various formats, such as empirical research, management cases, colloquium discussions, perspectives, and book reviews. The Research Journal has been registered with the Registrar of Newspapers for India (RNI) vide No. 108534/2010 dated 1/3/2011, with ISSN: 0975-4547. At present it is indexed and full text are available in Google Scholar and ProQuest. For further information, please visit https://vjim.edu.in/gavesana/.


Kindly note that VJIM, a premier B-School in Hyderabad was established in 1993. VJIM offers the broadest range of management education programs, including Post Graduate Programs in Business Management, Doctoral programs in Management, and Executive PG Programmes for working executives. In addition, VJIM actively trains practitioners and academicians through Management Development Programmes (MDPs), Faculty Development Programmes (FDPs), etc.  You can further find details of the institute at https://vjim.edu.in/.


The objective is to encourage research and analytical thinking on different aspects of business and management, in order to enhance understanding of the business environment and practices.

Aims and Scope

Gavesana Journal of Management is a journal that publishes twice a year and follows a rigorous review process where the identities of the authors and reviewers are kept anonymous. It focuses on publishing research articles in various fields of business and management. The objective is to distribute knowledge and viewpoints from experts and professionals about business systems, management techniques, and organisational effectiveness. The journal disseminates novel and inventive research that specifically concentrates on emerging domains in business and management, as well as their ramifications for business. The platform facilitates the sharing of ideas and methodologies among academics, experts, and practitioners in the fields of commerce and management. The journal aims to provide advantages to scholars, business leaders, experts, and investigators.

Editorial Board

Chief Editor: Dr. D Ravinath
Editor: Dr. Falguni H Pandya

Submission Guidelines for Gavesana Journal of Management

Abstract 200 words (approx.) with 4-5 keywords

Main Paper 5000-10000 words, including references.

Font 12 Points Times New Roman

Title & Headings 14 points Times New Roman, 1.5 spaced

Tables & Figures All the tables and diagrams should be appropriately numbered.

Citation & References APA Style (6th Ed.)

Plagiarism check: The authors are notified that all manuscripts submitted undergo a similarity assessment. If the similarity score is 20% or higher, including any of the authors’ own publications, the manuscript will not be considered for peer review. The similarity index of the submitted manuscript must be less than 20%, and this check is performed immediately upon receiving the manuscript. Therefore, authors should ensure that their manuscript meets this requirement.

Policy on ethical principles: Contributors to the Journal should exercise caution to avoid any infringement of the Copyright Act and its associated regulations with respect to the materials used in their papers or their sources. Gavesana Journal of Management disclaims any liability for any infringements or omissions committed by the contributors in this matter. To obtain further information, kindly consult our comprehensive Ethics policy.

Intellectual property rights and permissions: Upon paper acceptance, the author must electronically submit a ‘Copyright Form’. This form is an exclusive licence agreement that gives us the sole and exclusive right and licence to publish the article. Copyright Form Template The ‘Copyright Form’ would additionally necessitate the author/s to guarantee the following: The manuscript is exclusively submitted to this journal and is not presently being considered by any other journal or publication. The manuscript has not previously been published in its present or a substantially identical format. This article is the author’s original creation and does not violate the intellectual property rights of any other individual or organisation. It cannot be regarded as plagiarising any previously published work. The author/s have acquired the requisite written authorization from the appropriate copyright holder or authorities to reproduce any text, illustration, or other material in the article and journal. The authors have disclosed any potential conflict of interest in the research. The Acknowledgements section acknowledges any assistance received from a third party. The sources of funding, if applicable, have been duly acknowledged. The author/s have not previously transferred or granted a licence for the article to any third party. The article does not contain any content that is abusive, defamatory, fraudulent, or otherwise unlawful or in violation of applicable laws. All individuals who have made a substantial contribution to this article have been acknowledged as authors. The Acknowledgements section acknowledges the presence of minor contributors. The authors prohibit others from electronically collecting and storing their article on a separate server. The authors acknowledge that the publisher will publish the article in the specified journal mentioned above and that the publisher has the authority to make necessary editorial changes to ensure the article is suitable for publication.8. Peer-review Policy: All manuscripts submitted to the journal will undergo evaluation and review system.

The journal employs a double-blind peer review process (which typically takes approximately 16-20 weeks) to evaluate and select articles for publication. The determination regarding acceptance, rejection, resubmission, etc. will be conveyed solely upon the conclusion of the peer-review process. For additional information, please consult the comprehensive peer-review procedure.

The Editorial Team has the authority to make appropriate editorial modifications to the papers that are submitted and approved for publication.

For any queries;  author/s may email editor@vjim.edu.in and/or vjimgavesanajournal@gmail.com

Ethics Policy

Statement on ethics and malpractice

Before submitting to Gavesana Journal of Management, authors must read and understand our Ethics policy to ensure the highest publication ethics and prevent ethical misconduct. Our Ethics policy outlines the roles and responsibilities of authors, editors, and reviewers to maintain the journal’s scholarly integrity.

This ethics policy has been drawn from the guidelines for journals developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

Authors’ Responsibilities

Authors must ensure the following:

  1. The submitted Article is original, fully referenced, and does not infringe on any intellectual property rights or plagiarise any other published work.
  2. Disclose the source of all data and third-party material, including unpublished author work. Things that could compromise the submission’s originality should be avoided or discussed with the editorial office first. Published plagiarism in any form is unethical.
  3. Authors are those who contributed significantly to the article. Minor contributors are listed in Acknowledgements.
  4. Provide accurate contact details for a designated corresponding author, who will be held fully responsible by the publisher and editor for the paper’s authorship and all ethical and originality communications.
  5. The corresponding author must include all co-authors in the paper and ensure that they have seen and approved the final version and agreed to its publication.
  6. The copyright owner or authorities have given written permission for the Article and Journal to reproduce third-party text, illustrations, and other material.
  7. Declare any potential conflict of interest in the research that could influence the results or their interpretation in the manuscript or benefit a company or service in which the author(s) has a stake. The manuscript can include a statement to that effect.
  8. The Acknowledgements list third-party support.
  9. List all financial support for the work, including grant or reference numbers.
  10. Sign a copyright form after accepting their work, assuming the Corresponding author can assign copyright to the publisher.
  11. Respond promptly to editor and publisher requests for source data, authorship proof, and originality.
  12. No other journal or publication is considering the Article, and it has never been published in its current or substantially similar form.
  13. Authors must notify editors and help retract or correct significant errors in published works.’

Editors’ Responsibilities

Editors must ensure:

  1. Accept and publish high-quality, relevant original work to maintain and improve journal reputation.
  2. Objective and confidential peer review of articles that pass quality and editorial assessment.
  3. Fair editorial evaluation where manuscripts are judged on their scholarly content, relevance, and contribution to literature, not the authors’ gender, race, religion, ethnicity, citizenship, or political philosophy.
  4. Treat authors with respect and make the review and publication process as transparent as possible.
  5. Give authors reasonable explanations and updates during and after submission.
  6. Avoid conflicts of interest in articles.
  7. Keep a submitted manuscript confidential to the corresponding author, reviewers, and publisher.
  8. Correct errors and remove unethical, misleading, or misleading or damaging articles.
  9. Keep the publisher and author informed.

Reviewers’ Responsibilities

Reviewers must ensure:

  1. Keep manuscript content and authors’ identities confidential.
  2. Objectively, impartially, and quickly review submitted work.
  3. Check for conflicts of interest between authors and research topic.
  4. Significant similarities between submitted manuscripts and other published works known to the reviewer, or other suspected ethical misconduct to report to the editor.
  5. Offer “follow-up” advice to editors if requested.
  6. Reviewers must obtain written permission from authors before using unpublished manuscript material in their own research.

The publisher, Gavesana Journal of Management, would ensure:

  1. Publishing high-quality, relevant content on time and responsibly.
  2. Describe our publication ethics on its website.
  3. If necessary, use plagiarism detection software for journal submissions and publication.
  4. Explain the journal’s referencing style, formatting, and submission process to authors.
  5. Thoroughly investigate any ethical misconduct, including redundant publication and plagiarism, during the submissions process.
  6. If scientific misconduct or fraud is proven, the publisher and editors will publish corrigenda and retract the affected work in a timely and responsible manner.
  7. Communicate well with editors, authors, and reviewers.

Please email editor@vjim.edu.in with any questions.



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