Centre of MSME

MSME Studies’ Inaugural News

Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises, known as MSME sector is a growth engine for the economy of our country. They play a pivotal role in employment generation and promoting innovation. Many entrepreneurs who started their journey from a small enterprise level have successfully scaled-up their enterprises into large scale enterprises. But the picture is not as rosy as it appears due to several challenges which come across during journey of scaling up. With an overall objective of contributing towards scaling–up of MSMEs, VJIM established a Center of Excellence for MSE.

Center of Excellence for MSME Studies was inagurated at VignanaJyothi Institute of Managementon 15th March 2013 by Shri G. R. Akadas, Director, MSME Development Institute, Hyderabad.

The center was opened with an inaugural seminar on an emerging topic “Scaling up of MSMEs: Issues and Prospects”. A galaxy of speakers, consisting of highly successful entrepreneurs, policy makers from government and highly acclaimed academicians expressed their opinions in the seminar.

The list of speakers included the following

  • Mr. M.M. Sreeram Murthy, Managing Director, SCARLET Industries Pvt. Ltd. and Chairman, Economic Affairs Committee, FAPCCI, Hyderabad.
  • Mr. G. Satish, Managing Director, Preca Solutions India Pvt. Ltd, and Chairman, FISME.
  • Mr. S. Seshadri, AGM, Small Industries Development Bank of India, Hyderabad
  • Mr. UdayShanker, Director, School of Enterprises Management, NI-MSME, Hyderabad
  • Mr. SourabhGargav, Head-Technology and Innovation Cell, Foundation of MSME Clusters.
  • ShriHarishchandra Prasad, MD, Lakshmi Finance Corporation and Member, VignanaJyothi
  • ShriNarnePrabhakar, MD, Hyderabad Tulaman Industries and Member, VignanaJyothi
  • Dr.Ch.S.Durga Prasad, Director, VignanaJyothi Institute of Management, Hyderabad
  • Dr. A. S. Rao, Director, Center for Projects, Mobilization and Globalization, VignanaJyothi

The opening remarks and the need of the seminar were explained by Dr.Ch.S.Durga Prasad, Director of VJIM. The role of MSMEs was emphasized by Dr. A. S. Rao.

The inauguration of the center was done by Dr. G. R. Akadas, Director, MSME Development Institute followed by an inaugural address by him.


The main activities of the MSME Centre at VJIM include

  • Research (Conceptual and Empirical)
  • Case Development
  • Management Clinic (Free & Fee Based)
  • Valuation, BPR, Cost Management,
  • M&A, Helping VC/PE Funding.
  • Entrepreneurship Development Training
  • Appraisal of Business Plans/Making DPR
  • National and International Platform for Exchange of Knowledge among scholars, professionals, entrepreneurs, and policy makers who are involved in the development of the SMEs.
  • Making Vignana Jyothi Institute of Management a world-class Academic Institution.